20th December 2017
Our recently completed Manly House has won several awards.
Partridge was awarded the 2016 ACSE Small Buildings Award for “Excellence in Structural Engineering”, the 2017 Concrete Institute of Australia National Award & Medallion for “Excellence in Concrete” (Residential Buildings), along with the 2017 Concrete Institute of Australia NSW State Award for “Excellence in Concrete” (Residential Buildings).
Horizon was awarded the 2017 Master Builders Association NSW “Excellence in Housing Award” for Contract Houses $4 Million – $5.5 Million for their exemplary construction of the house. Horizon also received the award for 2017 NSW Master Builder of the Year in the same night.
Many congratulations to our collaborators for the well-deserved awards. We look forward to working together with you in the future!
Additionally, PopovBass has launched its eNewsletter which will be distributed regularly via email. For those who may have missed our first December 2017 issue, it can be accessed at this link. If you would like to subscribe to our electronic newsletter, feel free to enter your details here.